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NCLRA Calendar Data Entry

Basic Data Entry

** - Required fields
Your Name:**
Enter your name so we know who is submitting
the contest information.
Your E-Mail Address:**
Enter your e-mail address so we can get
back to you if we have any questions about
the contest listing.
Enter the state where the contest will be held.
Enter the "City,State" where the contest is to be held
Don't enter the actual site, it will be entered below.
Event Name:**
Enter the name you want to call the contest.
Event Date(s) 
Click on a year and select the dates when
the contest will be held. If the contest is only on
one day, you only need to select the "Event Start" date.

Year:** 2025    2026    2027    2028   
Event Start:**    Event End:
Select the appropriate "class" for the event. This is
the same as is listed on your AMA sanction.
Sponsor and Club Number must both be blank or both filled in.
Enter the commonly known name of the park or location
where the contest will be held. Like "Whittier Narrows"
or similar.
   Sponsor:    Club Number:
Enter the chartered club number that is sponsoring
the contest. if unknown, enter "n/a" or "unknown".
"Events" and "Event Notes" fields cannot BOTH be blank.
CD Name:**   AMA#
CD Address:**
CD City/State/ZIP:**
At least one phone number required.**
CD Day Phone:
CD Eve Phone:
CD Phone(Other):
CD E-Mail: Web Site:
Event Notes:

