** - Required fields | |||
Your Name:**
Enter your name so we know who is submitting
the contest information. |
Your E-Mail Address:**
Enter your e-mail address so we can get
back to you if we have any questions about the contest listing. |
Enter the state where the contest will be held.
Enter the "City,State" where the contest is to be held
Don't enter the actual site, it will be entered below. |
Event Name:**
Enter the name you want to call the contest.
Event Date(s)
Click on a year and select the dates when
the contest will be held. If the contest is only on one day, you only need to select the "Event Start" date. Year:** 2024 2025 2026 2027 Event Start:** Event End: | |||
Select the appropriate "class" for the event. This is
the same as is listed on your AMA sanction. |
Sponsor and Club Number must both be blank or both filled in. Site:** Enter the commonly known name of the park or location
Club Number:
where the contest will be held. Like "Whittier Narrows" or similar. Enter the chartered club number that is sponsoring
the contest. if unknown, enter "n/a" or "unknown". |
"Events" and "Event Notes" fields cannot BOTH be blank. Events: | |||
CD Name:**
CD Address:** CD City/State/ZIP:** |
At least one phone number required.** CD Day Phone: CD Eve Phone: CD Phone(Other): | ||
CD E-Mail: | Web Site: | ||
Event Notes: |